NCREA and its Board make decisions for loan and grant requests from North Carolina EMC and TMC cooperatives for funds from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Funds are used to:
In 2023, the NCREA and its Board approved eighteen loan and grant requests for USDA funds totaling $190 million which will be used to update facilities for the coops, purchase emergency equipment and for economic development in rural areas and approved one application for funds from the USDA ReConnect program in the amount of $24.9 million which is for the deployment of broadband in rural areas of the State.
Reminder: Effective September 1, 2024 the regulatory fee will increase from $.04 to $.05 for the North Carolina Rural Electrification Authority.
There is a meeting scheduled for the REA and its Board on Thursday, July 25, 2024 beginning at 10:00 a.m. If anyone would like to participate on this meeting via WebEx, please call 1-415-655-0003.
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